Tuesday, 9 December 2008


Peritnya hati terkenangkan kenangan,
Memori indah kan ku simpan,
Senyum tawa hiasan perhubungan,
Rawan hati bukan lagi peneman.

Perpisahan yang tak dipinta,
Pertemuan yang tak diduga,
Menjadi ikatan pabila bersama,
Tersimpul rapi menjadi doa.

Pengorbanan bukan lagi jawapan,
Ikatan abadi dalam sisipan,
PadaNya doa ku panjatkan,
Moga termakbul menjadi kenyataan.

Detik masa yang berlalu,
Bukan lagi igauan ngilu,
Malah kini terus kuburu,
Menyemai hati dikala sendu.

Harapan bukan lagi angan-angan,
Kan ku genggam walau berpanjangan,
Bukti kesetiaan seorang peneman,
Mencurah kasih yang tidak berkesudahan.

Hadir diriku bukanlah mimpi,
Semuanya atas ketentuan Ilahi,
Rebutlah peluang terbuku dihati,
Moga hidup terus terisi.

Walau jauh beribu batu,
Namun impian tak pernah kaku,
Ayuh teman gagahkan dirimu,
Berjuang memohon padaNya yang satu.

Doa buatmu selalu kutitipkan,
Dalam meniti sebuah kehidupan,
Untukmu menggenggam secebis kejayaan,
Terlerai bersama sebuah kepulangan.

Friday, 28 November 2008


Detik manis persahabatan,
Kenangan pahit kehidupan,
Kita lalui bersama,
Duka dalam riang,
Tawa dalam sendu,
Tangisan dalam gembira,
Suka dalam derita,
Biar dugaan datang melanda,
Tiada alasan untuk mencelah,
Sekadar meniti penuh pasrah,
Bukan bermakna untuk kalah,
Bukan jua mencipta helah,
Namun kan terus melangkah,
Berjuang dalam penuh payah,
Menolak segala keluh-kesah.

Terima kasih atas segalanya,
Moga diri sentiasa sejahtera,
Melawan ombak di atas bahtera,
Mencipta sebuah ceritera,
Hadirmu membawa sejuta makna,
Pergimu meninggal seribu peristiwa,
Yang pernah kita lalui bersama,
Setiap detik mengejar cita-cita,
Mengharap ehsan dari pencipta,
Doa kan ku titip sentiasa,
Moga suatu masa,
Kita masih mampu bersua,
Mengimbau kembali secebis cerita.

Maafkan daku dalam berkata,
Atas keterlanjuran dalam berbicara,
Aku hanya insan biasa,
Hadirku sekadar buat sementara,
Menjadi teman tanpa dipinta,
Bukan niatku mengharap harta,
Apatah lagi menghambur derita,
Aku akur atas segalanya,
Dengan setiap ketentuan Yang Esa,
Moga pengakhiran penuh selesa,
Setelah jasad hilang selamanya,
Hanya doa yang ku pinta,
Untuk kubawa temui Pencipta.

Thursday, 27 November 2008


Sesudah langkah pertama ku hayun,
Segala perih yang dulu ku simpan,
Untuk menunaikan secebis kewajipan,
Kini terlerai bersama harapan.

Segala penat lelah kini terurai,
Bukanlah peluang untukku santai,
Bukan jua jalan untukku lalai,
Masih banyak cabaran yang melambai.

Aku bersyukur penuh kesayuan,
Diberi peluang menatap keindahan,
Walau kadang tersemai kekecewaan,
Itulah lumrah setiap insan.

Bukanlah balasan yang ku pinta,
Sekadar kepuasan dalam derita,
Mengalirnya setitis air mata,
Meniti perjuangan mengejar cita-cita.

Terima kasih ayah dan ibu,
Mendorong kemahuan anakmu yang satu,
Kini jauh beribu batu,
Namun doa sentiasa berpadu.

Tunggukan kepulangan anakmu ini,
Moga pertemuan bukanlah mimpi,
Anakmu akur dengan ketentuan Ilahi,
Moga pelukan tersimpul mati.

Andai diri menjadi tanda tanya,
Terimalah anakmu dengan adanya,
Kugenggam kekuatan datang dariNya,
Bukan mainan di alam maya.

Monday, 17 November 2008


Kemaafan bukan untuk ditagih,
Bukan untuk disalah ertikan,
Yang mampu mengundang pedih,
Walau hanya sekadar ucapan.

Maaf itu lahirnya dari hati,
Yang tidak boleh dikongsi,
Bukan juga untuk ditangisi,
Bila sudah menjadi benci.

Letakkan kemaafan ditempat terpuji,
Bukan untuk dijual beli,
Namun sebagai suatu pengganti,
Pabila diri terasa dikhianati.

Senang untuk ucapkan maaf,
Dengan hanya sekali lafaz,
Namun ianya bukanlah permainan,
Untuk mengubat segala kekhilafan.

Sekali hati robek dicalari,
Kemaafan tidak berguna lagi,
Andai ianya telah terjadi,
Meranalah diri kemudian hari.

Kasih sayang sebagai pengubat,
Namun bukan yang terhebat,
Pabila benci terus menghambat,
Yang mudah menjadi lambat.

Hargailah setiap ucapan kemaafan,
Bukan untuk dikotak-katikkan,
Kerna ianya permata kehidupan,
Melakar impian dalam kesamaran.


Wanita Solehah
wanita solehah adalah..

wanita yg sentiasa menjaga kehormatan diri(menutup aurat)
meninggalkan larangan Allah,..
mengamalkan suruhan Allah..
yg manis senyumannya di saat suka dan duka..
yang ringan tangannya bersedekah
yang sedikit tidurnya untuk berborak dgn Tuannya di sepertiga mlm..
yang ikhlas hatinya mencari redha Allah..
yang ringan tangannya membantu sahabat2 dan saudara mara..
yang menyambung silaturrahim..
yang menjadi hamlatul quran(pendokong kitab quran)
yang rajin amalkan sunnahnya..
yang sentiasa berpuasa sekurang2nya 3 hari setiap bln

Wanita solehah itu aurat dijaga, Pergaulan dipagari, Sifat malu pengikat diri, Seindah hiasan di dunia ini.

Keayuan wanita solehah itu, tidak terletak pada kecantikan wajahnya , Kemanisan wanita solehah , tidak terletak pada kemanjaannya, Daya penarik wanita solehah itu , Bukan pada kemanisan bicaranya yang mengoncang iman para muslimin, Dan bukan pula terletak pada kebijaksanaannya­ bermain lidah, memujuk rayu , Bukan dan tidak sama sekali, Kepetahan wanita solehah , Bukan pada barang kemas atau perihal orang lain, Tapi pada perjuangannya meningkatkan martabat­ agama.

Nafsu mengatakan wanita cantik dengan
paras rupa yang indah bak permata yang menyeri alam, Akal mengatakan wanita cantik atas kemajuan dan kekebalannya dalam ilmu serta pandai dari segala aspek , Hati menyatakan kecantikan wanita hanya pada akhlaknya, Itupun seandainya hati itu bersih untuk menilai.

Wahai wanita jangan dibangga dengan kecantikan luaran , kerana satu hari nanti ianya akan lapuk ditelan zaman, Tetapi jaga dan peliharalah kecantikan dalaman , Agar diri ini bersih dan sentiasa mendapat Rahmat Ilahi, Wahai wanita jangan berbangga dengan ilmu duniawi yang kau kuasai , kerana ada lagi manusia yang lebih berpengetahuan darimu , Wahai wanita jangan pula berdukacita atas kekurangan dirimu, kerana ada lagi insan yang lebih malang darimu , Wahai wanita solehah jangan dirisau akan jodohmu, Kerana muslimin yang bijaksana itu tidak akan terpaut pada wanita hanya kerana kecantikannya , Bersyukurlah di atas apa yang ada . Serta berusaha demi keluarga ,bangsa dan agama.


I was walking around in a BigBazar store making shopping, when I saw a Cashier talking to a boy couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old.

The Cashier said, 'I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll. Then the little boy turned to me and asked: 'aunty, are you sure I don't have enough money?'

I counted his cash and replied: 'You know that you don't have enough money to buy the dolll, my dear.' The little boy was still holding the doll in his hand.

Finally, I walked toward him and I asked him who he wished to give this doll to. 'It's the doll that my sister loved most and wanted so much Iwanted to Gift her for her BIRTHDAY.

I have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give it to my sister when she goes there.' His eyes were so sad while saying this. 'My Sister has gone to be with God. Daddy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister.'

My heart nearly stopped. The little boy looked up at me and said: 'I told daddy to tell mommy not to go yet. I need her to wait until I come back from the mall.' Then he showed me a very nice photo of him where he was laughing. He then told me 'I want mommy to take my picture with her so my sister won't forget me.' 'I love my mommy and I wish she doesn't have to leave me, but daddy says that she has to go to be with my little sister.' Then he looked again at the doll with sad eyes, very quietly.

I quickly reached for my wallet and said to the boy. 'Suppose we check again, just in case you do have enough money for the doll?'

'OK' he said, 'I hope I do have enough.' I added some of my money to his with out him seeing and we started to count it. There was enough for the doll and even some spare money.

The little boy said: 'Thank you God for giving me enough money!' Then he looked at me and added, 'I asked last night before I went to sleep for God to make sure I had enough money to buy this doll, so that mommy could give It to my sister. He heard me!' 'I also wanted to have enough money to buy a white rose for my mommy, but I didn't dare to ask God for too much. But He gave me enough to buy the doll and a white rose. My mommy loves white roses.'

I finished my shopping in a totally different state from when I started.

I couldn't get the little boy out of my mind. Then I remembered a local news paper article two days ago, which mentioned a drunk man in a truck, who hit a car occupied by a young woman and a little girl. The little girl died right away, and the mother was left in a critical state.

The family had to decide whether to pull the plug on the life-sustaining machine, because the young woman would not be able to recover from the coma. Was this the family of the little boy?

Two days after this encounter with the little boy, I read in the news paper that the young woman had passed away.. I couldn't stop myself as I bought a bunch of white roses and I went to the funeral home where the body of the young woman was exposed for people to see and make last wishes before her burial. She was there, in her coffin, holding a beautiful white rose in her hand with the photo of the little boy and the doll placed over her chest. I left the place, teary-eyed, feeling that my life had been changed for ever.

The love that the little boy had for his mother and his sister is still, to this day, hard to imagine. And in a fraction of a second, a drunk driver had taken all this away from him.

(taken from GUNA :P)

Wednesday, 12 November 2008


Berarak mendung dikala siang,
Hati sayu jauh terkenang,
Ku tak mahu memori terus berulang,
Harapan masih tinggi menjulang,
Walau diri pernah kecundang.

Ku tahu impian bukan persoalan,
Walau pahit harus ku telan,
Berlalu hari berganti bulan,
Bertahun bukan satu halangan,
Moga termakbul menjadi kenyataan.

Diri hanya mampu merancang,
Walau perit tak pernah hilang,
Diliputi bara diselaputi bahang,
Walau tujuan masih rambang,
Ku tahu hidup harus berjuang.

Melangkah dengan penuh kekuatan,
Darimu ku pinta buat sisipan,
Pimpini daku atasi kelemahan,
Moga tak rebah ditinggal zaman,
Untuk ku simpan jadi kenangan.

Andai hati tak mampu bersatu,
Tempatkan aku dalam dirimu,
Walau sakit menanggung rindu,
Moga ianya takkan berlaku,
Dengan adanya iringan restu.

Salam kasih madah bersemi,
Bukan niatku jadi begini,
Walau permulaan sakit terperi,
Ia bukanlah suatu mimpi,
Untuk kutepis pabila terjadi.

Moga usaha menjadi bekalan,
Terus melangkah jauh ke depan,
Dua hati menyimpan harapan,
Moga ianya bukan angan-angan,
Genggamlah ia ukirkan kenyataan.

Sunday, 9 November 2008


Maaf ku pinta,
Kehadiranku hanya sebentar cuma,
Selagi hayat masih ada,
Kutagihkan kasih curahan setia,
Hingga pada satu masa,
Pabila ku tutupkan mata,
Dikala bayu melewati senja,
Kenangkan diri ku selamanya,
Moga doamu kujadikan harta.
Untuk kubawa menemui Pencipta.

Terima kasih sayang,
Pertemuan yang tak diundang,
Yang langsung tidak kubayang,
Sekelip mata ianya datang,
Tak mampu untukku halang,
Ku bersyukur tidakku tentang,
Hadirmu sebagai pejuang,
Kata hati tidakku larang,
Ku sambut dengan lapang,
Moga kukuh untukku sandang.
-sekadar ilham dari 'aku punya kamu'-

Wednesday, 5 November 2008


Ketemukan aku dengan siang,
Bukan niatku melupakan bintang,
Sekadar mencari kenangan yang hilang,
Walau ia dikatakan usang.

Ketemukan aku dengan pelangi,
Menyinari kembali hariku yang sepi,
Ku harap ianya bukanlah mimpi,
Untukku gapai dikala dinihari.

Ketemukan aku dengan lambaianmu,
Terusap lembut melewati waktu,
Terusik sayu terus membisu,
Sedar asalku dari yang Satu.

Ketemukan aku dengan kasih,
Kembalikan semangat untukku pulih,
Ku tak mahu terus tersisih,
Pilu hati mengenangkan sedih.

Ketemukan aku dengan cinta,
Bukan untuk membuatku buta,
Namun tersisip sebagai harta,
Untuk ku hulur pada Pencipta.

Ketemukan aku dengan bintang,
Ingin ku gapai langit gemilang,
Walau harapan payah ku tatang,
Ku tahu impian sukar ditentang.

Monday, 3 November 2008


I've been tagged by hani but I havent realised bout it until she told me..haha..sorry hani..anyway..the questions are so challenging..haha..something related to 'my dream wedding'..what should i answer?..'wink wink'

1.How old are you?
I'm 23 years old..not that old right..

2. Are you single?
Like hani said, i'm not married yet..

3. In what age do you think you’ll get married?
hmm..depends on my 'jodoh'..we have to come out with a decision i guess..not just based on one opinion..

4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now??
God knows..have i found my Mr Right????

5. If not, who do you want to marry?
Whoever wanna marry me..haha..based on certain criteria..im not that fussy but still i have to live with him for the whole of my life...:)

6. Do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?
I like a beach wedding..a very tranquil day..with a sound of waves..but please..no tsunami..:)..if not i just prefer to have a traditional wedding..especially the costumes..this is just a dream..if it can become a reality,i would be very glad to enjoy the ceremony and be the happiest bride..

7. Your ideal motif?
im not sure bout this. just a simple ceremony..but very meaningful to the guests and my families (including my in law)hehe.something that can be remembered for the whole of my life especially.

8. Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
well..maybe an island..or maybe on a cruise..hehe...depends on budget..

9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
my families, friends, my parents' friends..maybe quite a lot cos im the oldest among my siblings..but who knows if 'langkah bendul' happen to me..:)

10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
hmm..not that extravagant..something that can be remembered especially with the one who you love. simple but nice..

11. Do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own??
depends on a decision between me n him...

12. How many layers of cake do you want to have?
two should be enough..even one i still can accept..not a big deal to me...

13. Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?
in my house..hehe

14. When do you want to get married, evening or morning?
nikah should be in the morning i guess..a fresh day to start...

15. You’d rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?

16. Do you like a grand entrance for your groom/bride?
haha..nice question..i nak kawin dgn anak raja ke?huhu..

18. Name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding??
maybe we should agree on one song..something that can remind us on our relationship..;)

19. Are you a morning person or a night person?
in between..:)

20. Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
just a light one i guess...but maybe a little bit of custom takes place..

21. What age do you want to get married?
dont know..haha..da smpai seru kawinla..

22. Describe your ideal husband/wife.
someone who can complement me and be part of my life.

23. Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
both..if not used to use hands, then use fork and spoon..as simple as that..:)

24. champagne or red wine?
hoho..mango boley..:)

25. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
haha...something to ponder...

26. Money or household item?
depends..love to have both...tamak giler...:)

27. Who will pay for the bills?
will try my best to use my money..but of course need some help from my parents..byk tu..tak mampu kot nk byr smua..huhu

28. Are you ready for married life?
thinking of my condition now, just wait till i finish my study and find a right time to deal with him..if i have one laaaa kannn...

29. Do u think you will still be a virgin until u get married?
of course..hehe

30. Will u always be true to your wife/husband

31. How many kids do u like?
depends on condition..depends on 'rezeki'...

32. A new house for a newly wed or an old one?
i dont mind bout this as long as we can live happily ever after..insyaAllah..mmgla fairy stories kan hani..haha

33. Will u celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
never heard bout this before..sma je smuanya..as long as im happy with him and my children.iAllah..

34. What kind of cuisine would u like for ur wedding?
haha..klo tanya soalan ni..smpai esok tak abis list..hehe..just simple one lar..klo dlm dream nak gak yg ada seafood....best kot..haha...

35. Will u record ur honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
ask someone to record and take the photos..one of the precious moments right?bkn kawin hari2..:)

thats just a dream..if it turned to a reality, it would be nice to go through it...whatever it is, im contented with what I have..hope i can find someone who can be with me for the whole of my life..pray for me yeahhh..hehe..wslm

Thursday, 30 October 2008


If I could choose you,
Things might be different,
Life might be easier,
As we might be together.

If I could choose you,
I won't dare to go beyond our promise,
I won't afraid to ask for forgiveness,
I won't avoid to stay close to your heart.

If I could choose you,
Being together is something,
Facing difficulties is nothing,
Searching for happiness is everything.

If I could choose you,
Let Him fulfil our desire,
Let Him decide what is the best for us,
Let Him lead us to the right path.

If I could choose you,
I would be contented with what I have,
You are such a luxurious gift,
Such a precious moment in my life.

If I could choose you,
Don't go away from my heart,
Please stay close in my mind,
Don't let us fall apart.

If I could choose you,
Nothing can express my gratitude,
As satisfaction is everything,
For what He has given to me.

Monday, 27 October 2008


Aku tetap aku,
Walau tidak sesempurna Khadijah,
Namun mampu mengukir kata,
Menyemai secebis senyuman,
Walau tidak semanis Zulaikha..

Aku tetap aku,
Walau tidak sebijak Ai'syah,
Namun masih ada fikiran,
Memikir sejenak kehidupan,
Walau tidak setabah Mariam.

Aku tetap aku,
Walau hanya insan kerdil,
Namun tetap mendamba kasihMu,
Memohon secangkir restu,
Mengiringi hari-hariku.

Aku tetap aku,
Walau bukan srikandi pejuang,
Namun tak bermakna tak mampu menentang,
Musuh utama bukan penyerang,
Namun nafsu diri yang bersarang.

Aku tetap aku,
Walau dugaan terus mendatang,
Tiada kuasa untukku menghalang,
Walau sakit menempuh bahang,
Itulah takdir hidup seseorang.

Aku tetap aku,
Gapai tanganku dikala gusar,
Heretlah aku dikalaku tersasar,
Itulah ujian walaupun sukar,
Mengharap redhaMu mogaku tegar.

Saturday, 18 October 2008


Hidup ini ibarat cerita,
Ibarat pelayaran meniti masa,
Dilambung badai tatkala derita,
Dilambai angin peneman setia,
Semua atas kehendak Yang Esa.

Hidup ini ibarat cerita,
Penuh coretan dibalik sengsara,
Mengejar impian menggapai cahaya,
Menggenggam kenangan terpalit dijiwa,
Moga tersimpan tersisip selamanya.

Hidup ini ibarat cerita,
Bukan igauan bukan kebetulan,
Permulaan kisah penuh percaturan,
Hanya kekuatan sebagai dorongan,
Mengharungi onak penuh pengharapan.

Hidup ini ibarat cerita,
Tersembunyi hikmah sang Pencipta,
Tiada bandingan nilai dan harta,
Tersisip kenangan setiap manusia,
Mengharap sinar kan terus menjelma.

Hidup ini ibarat cerita,
Semuanya diatas satu ketentuan,
Menadah keampunan di hujung pengakhiran
Memohon kasih disebalik impian,
Moga termakbul terukir kenyataan.

Sunday, 12 October 2008


Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone,

I just wanna drop a few words here. Today is my last day working in Peninsular Treatment Centre as a 'domestic assistant' or generally known as 'cleaner'. Lots of memories and experience will stay close in my mind and my heart. Working with other people teaches me to be patient and understanding. It is not easy to deal with people especially when you are in bad mood or having problems in your study or life. Working taught me a lot of things. Working made me to be a strong person and working sometimes made me to forget my problems.

I realised that money cannot buy everything. Sometimes we have to sacrifice certain things in order to achieve something. I never regret being a cleaner in this country. I went to Europe using my own money, buy everything here using my own salary.

The saddest part was when one of the lovely persons in that hospital nearly dropped his tears when I was going. I was so touched with his reaction. His name is Berry. A nice and lovely person. Always help us in any situation. Will miss you Berry. Thanks for everything.

Not forgotten, my colleagues, Anne, Emy and Emma. I worked with them before I chose to work on weekend shifts. Thank you for everything especially for the card and presents. And lastly, my weekend's supervisor, Rae, thank you for your understanding when I really need a leave during the Eid. Will miss you all so much.:(

Thanks to GOD for this opportunity. Being alone in other part of this world without my beloved ones, teaches me to be a human being. Alhamdulilah, I am still the same 'Azuani' and hope to be the same person for the whole of my life. Thanks to all of you for loving me and understanding me. I appreciate your kindness. With lots of love, hugs and kisses....

To love is nothing.
To be loved is something.
To love, and be loved, is everything.

Saturday, 11 October 2008


Tiada kata seindah pertemuan,
Tiada bicara semanis persahabatan,
Moga hari-hari berlalu,
Kan menjelma kemanisan,
Dek perjalanan kasih,
Meniti lautan harapan.

Ya Allah,
Berikan aku kekuatan,
Menempuh batasan kehidupan,
Aku redha dengan ujianMu,
Aku pasrah dengan ketentuanMu,
Ku mengharapkan kasihMu,
Tuk menggapai sejuta impian,
PadaMu ku akur,
PadaMu ku pohon,
Ya Rabbal A'lamin.

Friday, 10 October 2008










Wednesday, 8 October 2008


Hidup ini satu pertaruhan,
Bukan mimpi bukan angan-angan,
Hanya masa yg menentukan,
Erti kehidupan seorang insan,
Merentas setiap persoalan,
Untuk megejar satu jawapan,

Bila hati bertanya,
Pabila lidah berbicara,
Ke mana arah tujunya,
Di mana harusku bermula,
Mengejar impian yang nyata.

Mampukah diri ini,
Mampukah jiwa ini,
Mampukah hati ini,
Meredah kegelisahan malam,
Merungkai persoalan yang kelam,
Menangkis kisah-kisah silam.

Ingin ku melangkah,
Ingin ku menadah,
Moga kentalnya hati,
Mengejar cinta yang abadi,
Di sebalik kelemahan diri,
Menggapai sang pelangi,
Mewarnai hari-hari yang sepi.

Ku pohon padaMu,
Kekuatan diri,
Ketabahan hati,
Kemantapan rohani,
Moga ku mampu berdiri,
Mengejar mimpi,
Menjadi realiti.

Pimpini daku dalam doamu,
Iringi daku dalam bicaramu,
Hanya Dia pengubat hati,
Hanya padaMu ku tangisi,
Moga hari-hari yang berlalu,
Membawa makna yang bererti,
Ku harapkan kasihMu,
Ku pohon keampunanMu,
Kurniakan ku MaghrifahMu,
Ya Rabbal Ya A'lamin.

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Friday, 26 September 2008


Sebaik-baik sahabat adalah sahabat yang mampu berdiri teguh di samping kita di kala kesusahan,
Yang mampu mengalir air mata pabila kita di dalam kesedihan,
Yang mampu ketawa berkongsi kebahagian dan kegembiraan,
Yang mampu menghulur tangan di kala kesepian,
Yang mampu berkongsi segala penderitaan dan kenangan,
Yang mampu membimbing kita mengenal Tuhan,
Sebaik-baik sahabat adalah sahabat yg datangnya tidak diundang, perginya ibarat lenyap satu kemanisan..


Salam and Hi everyone..

Alhamdulilah I feel relieved and happy with my life. Being a human being make me realised the importance of using all the opportunities given to achieve a successful life. InsyaAllah. Though there are so many tests and obstacles that we have to face, there is no excuse for us to look back and regret with what has happened. Time will heal everything. Sometimes, life is so painful and unfair till we feel hopeless and tired. To a certain extent, there is no more things that we can hope anymore. Whatever it is, we have to be contented with what we have. I realised it is easy to say, but it can be the worst thing ever to face in a reality. Nevertheless, always remeber the best moments in our lives as they are still something left for us to be valued and treasured. Thank God , as I am still the same person. I do change but I hope the changes will make me become a better person.

Berkali jatuh hingga tersungkur,
Tertiarap akur menyembah bumi,
Mendongak ke langit memohon erti,
Memanjat keampunan padaNya di sisi,
Rasa kehambaan menyelimuti diri,
Ayuh terus bangun kembali,
Bersiap pada kehidupan yg abadi

Titipkan semangat kasih bersemi,
Mengorak langkah penuh beerti,
Mengharap mentari terus menyinari,
Melindungi awan yg kelam dan sepi,
Hulurkan tangan iringi daku,
Sisipkan untukku dalam doamu,
Di kala menghadap pada yg satu,
Moga diriku tenang selalu.

And upon Allah is the direction of the [right] way, and among them [i.e:the various paths] are those deviating. And if HE willed, He could have guided you all. (An-Nahl:16)

Wednesday, 24 September 2008


Salam and Hi everyone,

I feel like writing something today. This is about one of the lessons that I went through. It's about teaching Maths and Science in English. Actually, this is one of the hot issues occurs in Malaysia. Before this, I assume that it is quite difficult for teachers to teach Maths and Science in English especially for newcomers like me. It also applies to the experienced teachers who never teach Maths and Science in English as they have gone through the old system for years. It is a pity for these teachers as they have to be trained and learnt new things and improve their proficiency in English. Becoming a teacher for primary school students is a hard job. We are not only teaching the students but also trying our best to make them understand and apply what they have learnt in the real life situations.

For me, there are some advantages and disadvantages if Science and Maths are taught in English. I can see there are a lot of problems for suburban students and those who come from low-social economy background. They are not exposed to English compared to students who stay in urban areas. I'm not trying to generalise this statement. There are some students who live in urban areas but still have a low proficiency in English. I am sure they have to struggle very hard in order to cope with the new system. I pointed out this question in class. Fortunately, I got a great respond from Mike, my lecturer. He said it is not impossible to train these students especially who are from rural areas in learning Science and Maths in English.

The major issue here is not the abilities of the students though it might be one of the important factors in achieving the target. It relates to teachers' proficiency in delivering the knowledge in classroom. Besides that, by using materials in classroom is hoped to support the teachers' teaching processes in making the lesson more interesting and meaningful. He said it is possible for the rural's students to achieve the target as teaching ways and approaches are different from traditional approaches. I am surprised with what he had said as I did not think about that before and I did not see how things can work especially for slow learners.

Now, I feel more confident if I was given an opportunity to teach both subjects in English. I hope I can face all the difficulties though they might challenge me in a lot of aspects such as my patience and my credibility. A noble teacher who is the one who can face obstacles without ever trying to give up. It is not easy to build a nation if we do not have courage and spirit to educate our new generation.

Monday, 22 September 2008



Today is my first day of class after having two months of holiday..Dragging myself to class is the worst thing ever..I'm so lazy to start everything again especially in learning about education..haha..but what can I do..That's my choice and will always be part of my life. I feel relieved today. I realised that anything happens around me will gain my strength in facing that matters. I hope so as it is not easy to face everything in one time. Lately, there are a lot of things occur. Sometimes, I do feel very down. Alhamdulilah, Allah is still with me and He gives someone to show me the ways.
When I am in bad conditions, I really cannot think. My mind is empty and I cannot judge the matter in the best way. I cannot decide what is the best for me. I cannot focus on everything. Whatever it is, life must go on. I have to face the obstacles and survive for my own good. Thank you for being with me. I dont have anything to give but I will always pray for your success. May Allah grants you with His blessings and happiness.

Friday, 19 September 2008


It is Allah Who created you in a state of (helpless) weakness, then gave (you) strength after weakness, then, after strength, gave (you) weakness and a hoary head: He creates as He wills, and it it He who has all knowledge and power. (Ar-Rum:54)

I always remind myself to depend on Allah all the time. However, it is difficult as I am only a weak human being especially when I face difficulties in life. It is undeniable that I always try to depends to people around me. For instance, when we are in love, ask ourselves...Do we talk to Allah when we are in terrible circumstances? Do we depend on Him? We always talk and pour our feelings to someone who is really close to us. Sometimes, we nearly forget that we belong to Him. He never forget us as small creatures in this world. He knows everything about us. He knows what are the best for us.

When we are sad, worried and frustrated, we always forget to ask for His help and guidance. I remind myself and all of you, life is not permanent. It is only a place for us to worship Him and do good deeds. We should crave for paradise rather than get punished in hell. Na'uzubillah..

Ya Allah, give me strength and guidance in what I am doing. Lead me to the right path. Shower me with your blessings. Amin Ya Rabbal A'lamin..

Thursday, 18 September 2008


(Picture ni hanya hiasan semata-mata..takde kaitan dengan apa yg sy tulis..hihi...)


Arini awal sy bngun yer...Lately ni nape ntah malas sgt nak buat blog ni..Klo yg perasan tu,mang kejap ade kejap takde..cam biskut chipsmore lakz..er...yeke chipsmore? Arini sy nak kongsi stu bnda dgn smua..Ade sorg kawan sy ni bagi 'kata-kata' yg agak menarik...Sy siap kta dekat dia lg, boley buat lirik ni..huhu..but believe me, it was so meaningful to me especially as a Muslim in this world..Jeng jeng jeng...This is the 'quotation' that I believe might open your eyes if you think it is meaningful to you as well...

Before that, sy just tanya dia, boley ke kita tgk wayang ni..Dia ni berilmu la jgak..walaupun slalu merendah dri..pastu dia pun tundakan doa soalan tu..then dia bg sy email sbb sy dah tido waktu tu..ahakz..tula lambat sgt replykan. Nak thu dia balas apa? Lebey kurg camnila...

Seorang mukmin yang benar-benar bertakwa dikehendaki menjaga kakinya dari menuju ke tempat-tempat maksiat dan lain-lain yang tidak diredai oleh Allah. Adalah haram baginya menggunakan kakinya untuk menuju ke tempat maksiat seperti panggung wayang dan lain-lain.
pada sy yg lemah ni pula (sy tak taula tapi byk kurang gak n lemah)..kaitan yg ust berikan ini..adalah tempat dan perbuatan manusia..tempat bukan kesalahan..tapi di sana wujud maksiat spt perhimpunan lelaki perempuan secara bebas..tayangan filem yang tak baik..dan sebagainya..jadi jikalau sy..sy amik pendekatan harus jika berdasarkan apa yang kita tgk tu di rasakan bukan salah..tapi majoriti kebanyakan wayang or filem tu kotor..jika wayang tu bersesuaian..dan bersama teman dan saudara..mungkin di bolehkan sbb kita bukan berbuat maksiat..asalkan wayang itu bersih..tapi mana ada kan..tambahan g panggung pun jadi tmpt maksiat..erm..wallahu a'lam..

After bagi ni, then dia sruh sy fikir..bab-bab fikir ni yg susah sket sbb dah penat fikir..huhu..skarang ni dalam otak smua nya bnda pasal dissy...mmg naik dizzy sy fikir pasal dissy ni..tapi takpela dah org sruh fikir then kta pun fkirla..pastu sy tanyala..kalau masuk cinema tu tak buat apa, setakat tgk crita je, salah ke? then dia jwb, tgk cerita tu mcm mna..skrg ni byk cerita yg dah tak ikut sempadan yang sepatutnya..Maknanya kalau dlm Islam tu, cerita tu kira salahla..then dia ckp, niat tak menghalalkan cara..Sy pun terdiam jgak buat sejenak..betul jugak ayat dia ni...

Tapi sy tahu bkn sng kan nak trima bla kta dah biasa dengan keadaan macam tu. Alhamdulilah ada sesetengan dripada kita yg masih memahami dan mengamalkan apa yg sepatutnya kita buat sebagai seorang Muslim. Harap-harap anda smua boley berfikir sejenak dengan apa yg dimaksudkan dgn penjelasan di atas.

Haish..dah lari topik ni..nak ckp bnda lain,tekeluar bnda lain..ok..bebalik kepada 'quotation' tadi tu...This is the quotation that I promised to show you...Have a look at it and open your mind, your heart and your soul to interpret it in your own ways..everyone has their rights to think about it...

" hidup ini umpama cerita... binalah ceritamu laksana seseorang yang penuh dengan kejayaan dan kebahagiaan... selagi ada waktu... perbaiki dan hiasilah ceritamu agar menjadi satu riwayat kehidupan yg terbaik, menjadi sebutan dan kenangan, tersisip padamu doa mereka sepanjang zaman "

What do you think? Life is like a story? Is it true..for me it is indeed...Kita lah penulis yg akan mencoret kisah kehidupan kita sndiri.. Setiap bait-bait perkataan melambangkan keperibadian kita, pengalaman hidup dan perjalanan seorang khalifah di muka bumi ini..setiap orang impikan kebahagiaan dan kejayaan..namun kadang-kadang kita tersungkur..kadang-kadang kita gagal..kadang-kadang kita terlalu leka dgn keindahan duniawi padahal kehidupan ukhrawi itu adalah kehidupan yg hakiki dan abadi..Apa yang sy coretkan di sini adalah sebagai peringatan buat dri sy dan smua..Bukan mudah untuk kita melakar kehidupan yang sempurna kerana fitrah diri manusia itu sendiri tidak sempurna..

Bukan mudah untuk kita mencapai kebahagiaan dan kejayaan dengan sekelip mata kerana smuanya memerlukan pengorbanan dan usaha yg berterusan..istiqamah dalam melaksanakan apa jua perkara...yang menentukan hanyala Allah yang satu..hanya Dia yg mampu memberi segala yang ada di muka bumi ini untuk kita..kdg kala kita terlupa dunia ini hanya sementara..pantasnya detik waktu ibarat tiada kesan di dalam diri...Sy mengharapkan kita smua mampu melakar dan mencoret kisah atau cerita tentang kehidupan pada tahap yang terbaik..InsyaAllah..Setiap yg berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya...

Kawan sy jga turut mengingatkan sy, syurga ini milik kita..hanya Allah yg dapat memberi kepada sesiapa sahaja yg Dia kehendaki..Maka berusahala untuk merperolehinya..Biar pun kita terkandas, kita gagal sebelum ini, tp cubalah untuk megejar syurga yg mmg dijanjikan utk kita..InsyaAllah Allah Maha Pengampun dan Maha Penyayang...Yang baik itu dtg dr Allah dan yang buruk itu dr kelemahan sy sendiri..Yg baik ambil sebagai pegangan dan yg buruk itu jdikan sbg sempadan...wasalam..

Tuesday, 16 September 2008




Didnt write anything for quite a long time. I dont have any mood to write on my blog or maybe I dont have anything to tell. I got a parcel from my mum last two weeks. I was so excited reading my brother's kad raya to me...so tooouuuchhingggg..huhu....almost cry..everything also wanna cry wani...hmm...but it was really touching when someone who you love gave you something...i didnt see him almost two years. he must be taller than me now...enel!!!kakwani rindu enel so much...my mom send me variety of kuih raya and baju raya as well...meriah la raya thun ni..huhu...rindunya dkt diorg..cant wait to meet them soon...for this Ramadhan, im trying my best to be strong enough in everything..but sometimes i do fall again and again..Its not easy to fight with ur nafsu you know...believe me..its even harder compared to other months...I wanna wish all of you selamat berpuasa...maaf salah n silap...raya dtgla umah..hehe...

Thursday, 28 August 2008



I just received a shocked news from Malaysia. My aunt's father has just passed away. Even though I dont really know him well, he is still part of my family as my uncle is my mother's brother. It is not easy for my aunt to face all this even it applies to all people in this world. Losing our beloved one will give a big impact to us and our life. Whatever it is, we have to face it with strong heart and God knows what is the best for us. People always want to run away from thinking about death. That is part of our life. Sometimes, I just ponder about myself. What about my iman? What about my sins? I know that i am not perfect and do a lot of mistakes. I just hope this coming Ramadhan will teach me a lot of things such as being patient and tawadu' to Him. I dont know either I will meet other Ramadhan. Ya Allah...Give me some strengths to fight with my lust and my bad intention! I know that I am weak in everything.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku,
Ampuni daku di atas segala keterlanjuranku,
Samaada dlm perbuatanku,
tutur bicaraku,
Kadang kala aku hanyut,
Aku alpa dengan keindahan dunia,
Bimbinglah aku di jalanMu,
Tunjukkan aku kebenaran,
Jalan-jalan yang lurus,
Untuk ku terus bersujud kepada Mu,
Untuk ku terus mengharungi hidup ini,
Ku tahu,
Dunia hanya pinjaman semata-mata,
Andai aku leka dlm mengejar duniawi,
Engkau sedarkan Aku Ya Allah,
Aku tak layak untuk meminta kepada Mu,
Namun aku pasti,
Akan ketentuan Mu,
Akan pengampunan Mu,
Bimbinglah aku,
Moga aku sentiasa berada di jalanMu,
Moga Ramadhan kali ini,
Akan membawa sinar ketenangan,
Moga aku mampu terus tabah,
Menempuhi dugaan Mu..
Amin Ya Rabbal A'lamin...

Thursday, 21 August 2008


When she walks away from you mad
===[ Follow her]
When she stares at your lips
===[ Kiss her ]
When she pushes you or hits you
===[ Grab her and don’t let go ]
When she starts cursing at you
===[ Kiss her and tell her you love her ]
When she's quiet
===[ Ask her what’s wrong]
When she ignores you
===[ Give her your attention ]
When she pulls away
==[ Pull her back ]
When you see her at her worst
===[ Tell her she's beautiful ]
When you see her start crying
==[Just hold her and don’t say a word ]
When you see her walking
==[ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ]
When she's scared
===[ Protect her ]
When she lays her head on your shoulder
===[ Tilt her head up and kiss her ]
When she steals your favorite hat
==[ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night]
When she teases you
===[ Tease her back and make her laugh ]
When she doesn’t answer for a long time
===[ reassure her that everything is okay ]
When she looks at you with doubt
==[ Back yourself up with the TRUTH ]
When she says that she likes you
==[ she really does more than you could understand ]
When she grabs at your hands
===[ Hold hers and play with her fingers ]
When she bumps into you
===[ bump into her back and make her laugh ]
When she tells you a secret
===[ keep it safe and untold ]
When she looks at you in your eyes
===[ don’t look away until she does ]
When you break her heart
===[ the pain NEVER really goes away ]
When she says its over
===[ she STILL wants you to be hers ]
When she repost this bulletin
===[ she wants you to read it ]
- Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything
-DON'T let her have the last word
-always call her when u know somethings wrong
-Pretty and beautifull is soo much better...NOT HOT
- Say you love her more than she could ever love you
- Argue that she is the best girl ever
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
- When she says she's ok don’t believe it, talk with her
- because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
- Call her before you sleep and after you wake up
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you
- Tease her and let her tease you back
-Stay up all night with her when she's sick
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid
- Give her the world
- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
- Let her know she's important
- Kiss her in the pouring rain
- When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is;"Who's ass am I kicking today baby?"

I got this mesage from one of my best friend. She asked me to read the whole story. I thought it didnt really capture my attention. Nonetheless, it was so touching. Tears nearly dropped from my eyes. Was I being too emotional? But it really made me wanna cry...Everybody admires someone who can understand and care about us. It is not easy as humans are not perfect. I believe that God will complete our journey of lives with someone who can be our friend, our partner and our soul. To find a person who love us is easy yet to find a person who wanna be with us all the time, going through all the hardships is not that simple.

'O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah , though whm you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, and Observer.' (An Nisa:1)