People always say that love is blind? What do you think? Does it make any signal to your mind? It depends and it is undeniable to a certain extent. What is love? It is very subjective and depends on the individual. It has an enormous meaning and everyone who knows love will appreciate things around them. Love is not only for human beings. Love to God is the most crucial thing in our life. In my personal opinion, one who loves God will understand what is true love. Love sincerely and wholeheartedly should be one of the criteria to love someone. Love is more to give and take between two person. It is not a deal between them but it is a deal between two hearts and souls. Love to God is more precious as we need to have faith in our heart. Without faith and belief, we wont be able to have a true and sincere worship to God. Love can change a lot of things thought it might hurt us a lot. To forgive and forget is not that easy but with love, it wont be a huge matter. For me, to forgive might be easy but not to forget. Whatever it is, love cannot be segregated from our life. With love, we survive...With love, we live and with love, we can conquer one's heart. Dont ever take it for granted as love is so pure. Thus, we have to preserve the pureness of love before it disappears unintentionally.
"Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away." - Dorothy Parker
Cintalah Allah dan rasulNya sebelum mencintai yang lain...ingatan untuk diri ini juga..
" Katakanlah, jika bapak2, anak2, isteri2mu, keluargamu, harta kekayaan yang kamu usahakan, perniagaan yang kamu khawatirkan kerugiannya, dan rumah2 tempat tinggalmu yang kamu sukai adalah lebih kamu cintai drpd Allah dan rasulNya dan dari berjihad di jalanNya, maka tunggulah sampai Allah mendatangkan keputusanNya"( At -Tawbah: 24) Wallahu'alam.
thanks ida..huhu
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