Tuesday, 24 June 2008


Life is too short. No one can predict what is going to happen on the next day. Though what is happening to you is painful, appreciate your life as if you wont see the world tomorrow. It is universaly acknowledged that life may change at anytime as well as human beings. We always hope for something to be cheered but dont ever hope it will happen in a sudden. Hope is something that make us enthusiastic to live and appreciate things around us. Hope is not to be destroyed. Hope is not to be taken for granted. We can always pray for our hope to make it as a reality. Nonetheless, dont hope too much as it can kill ourselves. I always wonder, why we have to hope for something when we know we cant achieve it and why people like to give hope? That is what we called part of life. Without hope, there is no life. With hope, we have to make an effort to get for it. With hope, we have to proceed our live and try to achieve what we want. Dont ever give hope to anyone if you think you might not make it as a reality for him or her. If not you are the one to be blamed in future. You might kill somebody's life if you take that hope for granted. Hope is to make people treasure their life so that they can value what is happening around them. Be thankful with what you have. Be grateful with what you got. Sometimes, we might not get everything that we want. That is the time when we should ponder what we have achieved before.... What have we got before.... This is the time for us to be contented with what we have attained before. Appreciate with what you have now before it is too late. It is such precious gifts from God. He knows what is the best for us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ape yang terjadi adalah mengikut kadar ketentuanNya. manusia boleh berharap, yang menentukan adalah Dia. Berdoalah padaNya apa yang terbaik untuk kita. Jika kegagalan iu baik untuk kita, biarlah gagal.

"Dia telah menciptakan sesuatu,dan Dia menetapkan ukurannya dengan serapi-rapinya" (Al_Furqan:2)

keep on writing kak wani, uhibbukifillah~